Sunday, March 28, 2010

Australian Immigration

My response to the Imam in Perth who praise the Taliban as angels and promotes Jihad.

The Australian government are rapidly trying to fill this country to the brim with everyone from boat people to Islamic peace-loving refugees.
These same peace loving refugees soon ask for preferential treatment, more than equal rights and alienate themselves from the broader population.
I suggest our government look at every single country in the world that takes in Muslims and see how well they are integrating and do the maths and see if these are the people we really want in Australia. If the figures show that Muslim refugees fit in nicely to our way of life i.e bbq's (barbeques not burgas ok), being able to cop a verbal ragging without declaring jihad on the perpetrator, being able to sit in the same restaurant as someone eating a bacon burger, never condoning pedophilia under any circumstance (past or present), allowing our daughters to marry whoever they choose, accepting that woman have equal rights and accepting that migrants come here to experience something they left behind - "freedom".
Freedom to live peacefully and not the freedom that thrives on hate-speech or condones mad rantings to kill the infidels.

My advice to would be immigrants is to consider migrating to a country that has already bowed, kowtowed, sucked up, acquiesced and given in to this political cultural relativism. We don't want you. We treasure our happy-go-lucky lifestyle. Oh, we already blaspheme regularly and annoy every religious nutcase, so don't come here looking for a "we are a special nutcase" category.

Go away and leave us alone - the UK and Canada await you. France is coming to its senses, so throw the dice again and make sure our bloody country is not on it.

Israel's Right to Exist

In this blog I will show support for the only democratic country in the Middle East. A country that is dwarfed by its neighbours (650 times smaller excluding Iran). Israel has more Muslims, as a percentage of its population, than any other country. This is more than can be said for its neighbours, whose policies deny Jews the right to live there.

Today Jews are threatened by extermination by several Middle East countries - including Iran. Others, such as Hamas and Hizbollah deny its right to exist - under any circumstances.

The free, and usually rational thinking, world are also making life difficult for Israel, denying them a fair hearing in the United Nations and taking no head of its claim that it is as much a victim as the Palestinians regularly claim themselves to be.

It is appalling that those in the free world are jumping on the bandwagon of Jew-bashing, without bothering to research the facts or listen to claims made by Israeli authorities.

Who in there right mind would not put up a fence to protect their citizens from indiscriminate attacks by terrorists driven by fanaticism and fueled by anger espoused by Islamic clerics. It is too easy to denounce the wall when you are not the one surrounded by fanatics hell-bent on killing or kidnapping you. The proof of its effectiveness is in the reduced number of Israeli deaths from terrorist activities.

The evidence is there that will justify Israel's hard line position - if you care to look hard enough for it.
