Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Australians have the right to say no to Muslim migrants

Taking a stance against certain ethnic and religious groups settling in Australia labels you a racist and has everyone distancing themselves from you. The blatant and not so palatable truth is that we value our way of life in Australia and don't want to see it watered down to the point where our freedom of expression and carefree way of life is threatened.

If we visit other countries, especially Middle East countries, we are severely restricted in every sense - what we wear, what we say, how we communicate (holding hands forbidden in some places) and how we practice our religion. In fact we can't immigrate to any of these countries, no matter how long you have worked there or lived there. You will rarely if ever become a citizen of a Middle East country - none of which are a democracy. Democracy and Islam are a direct contradiction. For a Muslim, Islam comes first and overrides any democratic principle.

Immigrating to Australia, a true democracy, requires its citizens to adhere to its democratic ways. How is it possible for Muslims to accept our democracy without denying the relevance of the Koran. They should be asked to make a clear choice on arrival in secular Australia. Do you accept the democratic principles of this country above and beyond all other religious beliefs? If the answer is no, then put them on the first ship or plane out of here. If by chance they lie and later denounce our ways and ask for special privileges, as they do, then remind them of their oath of allegiance and acceptance of our ways.

How could this be unfair? You have been warned. Like it or leave it - go back to where you came from, as this country only wants those who embrace it unconditionally. Take a look at those European countries who are having problems with Islam. Yes, it is Islam and not Christians, Buddhists or Hindus that are causing the problems. It is Muslim migrants who riot and call for your death the first time you care to criticize the Koran or Mohammed. Do we want these people with this mentality here? It has begun, just as it has begun in the US, Canada, Great Britain and continues in Europe.

Stop this crazy acceptance of Muslims, stemmed from fear of being labelled racist or discriminatory. It is our right in Australia to uphold our ways and have only those arrive on our shores who truly and unconditionally want to be here.

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