Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Iran's Nuclear Ambitions

We must not forget that deceit is an acceptable means to an end in Islamic doctrines. Hence we should not believe a word Iranian leaders are saying. Everything they do points to manufacturing a nuclear weapon. Why the secrecy in building further nuclear plants and developing missiles designed to carry nuclear warheads?
Next we will be hearing that Iran is hosting the International Human Rights Convention - and subsequently tossing out sharia law.

Iran is a fanatical religious theocracy run by primitive, power hungry, fear based, anti-natural humanity hating mullahs, who parade themselves as superior Islamics to all the rest, the most emulative of their grotesque murderous prophet Mohammad, which cannot fathom, much less stomach, any internal criticism of itself or its founder.(Battle_of_tours -

Who in their right mind would surrender their mind to this barbaric ideology that promotes hatred and violence. Oh, I forgot, "free-will" is something only the infidels possess - and are allowed to possess. Can you imagine surrendering rational thought and the freedom we enjoy for 1400 years of archaic outdated hate-filled theology.

I just hope Iran's first nuclear missile launch hops and bounces like a drunken kangaroo and the returns like a boomerang shooting right up the dish-dashes.

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