Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hezbollah - threat to Lebanon's Freedom

It amazes me that some in the west believe we can negotiate with Hezbollah, Hamas and the Taliban. These groups are driven by religious fervour and a determination to impose Sharia law - a law that suppresses individual freedom and tramples the rights of women. These groups exist through terrorising others into submission - hence their labelling as "terrorist groups."
We constantly look among these groups for "moderates"; who we in the west can negotiate peace with. This is highly unlikely and wishful thinking by the believers of negotiations with people who lack basic human rights. Terrorist groups celebrate death, behead their enemies, flog and stone adulterers, pour acid on girls going to school, prevent woman going to a doctor without a man present, deny women the right to defend themselves in court, strip them of any inheritance because they are a woman... The list goes on why we can't negotiate with these barbaric savages - that is until they denounce their fanatical Islamic believes.
A Lebanese member of parliament, on website, responded to Barak Obama's contger terrorism advisor, John Brennan, who discussed negotiating with the more moderate elements of Hezbollah.

"Good luck with that. Hezbollah is a very dangerous party because they are trying to impose to Lebanon their policy and their vision of jihad and martyrdom," said Nadim Gemayel, member of the Lebanon Parliament. "And this is unacceptable."

Gemayel has called for Hezbollah to disarm. He told CBN News in an exclusive interview that the Shiite terror militia has hijacked his country.
Having Hezbollah in your midst and controlling your parliament is akin to having a gang of thugs or Nazis standing over your elected members of parliament - something totally unheard of in the west.
Disarming this gang of thugs would be the best thing that could happen to Lebanon and the Middle East. It would also disarm Iran and Syria as well from imposing their ways on this country.
Even if you have to have another civil war it would be worth the effort and consequences to rid Lebanon of these vermin.

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